
Annual General Meeting 2023

Annual General Body Meeting 2023 of Institute of Architects, Pakistan

The Annual General Body Meeting of the Institute of Architects, Pakistan (IAP), was held on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at the Registered Office in Karachi, all regional chapter offices, and via Zoom. The quorum for the meeting was achieved through representations of member architects from all chapters of IAP across Pakistan.

Chaired by President IAP Ar. Saad Mahmood Khan, the AGM on October 21, 2023, commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by the National Anthem. The first item on the agenda was to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting held on November 26, 2022, which was followed by the Honorary Secretary’s report on IAP activities during the year by Ar. Maira Khan. Chairman BAE-IAP, Ar. Umar Saeed, then presented a brief overview of the BAE-IAP activities over the past year.

The Honorary Treasurer IAP, Ar. Umar Khan Kakar, presented audited accounts for the year 2022-2023, followed by the appointment of auditors for the year 2023-2024. The next item on the agenda was the holding of Annual Elections for the National Council for the year 2023-24.

Three (03) positions were vacated this year upon completion of the three years’ tenure by Ar. Saad Mahmood Khan, Ar. Kabeer Malik Siddiqi, and Ar. Arif Belgaumi.

In order to elect new members for the three vacant seats, the office of Honorary Secretary received five (05) nominations.

After scrutinizing all received nominations, one (01) nomination was disqualified due to non-compliance with the conditions mentioned in the Election Notice, and one (01) candidate withdrew.

Since three (03) vacancies are to be filled on the IAP National Council, the following three (03) candidates stand elected unopposed:

  1. Faryal Sikander
  2. Hafsa Imtiaz
  3. Muhammad Tahir Khattak

The AGM for the year 2023 was adjourned. Immediately after the AGM and election results, the 1st National Council meeting for the year 2023-2024 was held via Zoom, during which the following office bearers were elected:

  1. Zulfiqar Ali, President
  2. Dr. Samra Mohsin Khan, Vice President
  3. Maira Khan, Vice President
  4. Umar Saeed, Chairman, Board of Architectural Education
  5. Muhammad Tahir Khattak, Honorary Secretary
  6. Umar Khan Kakar, Honorary Treasurer

The National Council for the year 2023-2024 now consist of:

  1. Zulfiqar Ali, President
  2. Dr. Samra Mohsin Khan, Vice President
  3. Maira Khan, Vice President
  4. Umar Saeed, Chairman, Board of Architectural Education
  5. Muhammad Tahir Khattak, Honorary Secretary
  6. Umar Khan Kakar, Honorary Treasurer
  7. Asad Ali, Member
  8. Faryal Sikander, Member
  9. Hafsa Imtiaz, Member
  10. Abdullah Khan, Chairman, Rawalpindi / Islamabad Chapter
  11. Shahid Jamal, Chairman, Lahore Chapter
  12. Mishaal Merchant, Chairperson, Karachi Chapter
  13. Imran Khalil, Chairman, Peshawar Chapter
  14. Arshad Mahmood, Chairman, Chenab Chapter
  15. Essa Khan, Chairman, Quetta Chapter
  16. Saad Mahmood Khan, Immediate Past President

At 5:35 pm due to shortage of quorum, the IAP AGM was dissolved under IAP Bye Laws Clause No. 29, “If within half an hour of the appointed time for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if called upon requisition of members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same date in the next month, the same time and place and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting, the members having the right to vote present shall be the quorum.”

IAP AGM will now be held on November 30, 2020, 5:00pm via a new Zoom meeting link which will be shared with paid-up members closer to the time.

After much discussion and deliberation, with majority votes the IAP National Council has decided to share the IAP National Council Election 2020 results with all IAP Members:

On Wednesday 28th October 2020, 5:00pm 564 members had cleared their dues and were part of the official IAP voting list.

Voting started on Thursday 29th October 2020, 9:00am and was concluded Saturday 31st October 2020, 4:00pm, at which point all votes were frozen.

As per the Election Portal Manager/Developer, 354 votes were cast within 55 hours and the results are as follows;

Abdul Kabeer Malik Siddiqi  – 162 votes
Rashid Hassan Khoso          – 151 votes
Saad Mahmood Khan           – 218 votes
Tania Ali Soomro                   – 196 votes

We wish the winning candidates all the best for their tenure at IAP National Council, which will commence after the AGM 2020.
Ar. Bisma Askari
Honorary Secretary
Institute of Architects Pakistan.

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