EAROPH aims to consolidate and continually promote the provision of better quality of life, housing and planning in the Asian, Australasia and Pacific region. The EAROPH region has been acknowledge as the most dynamic in the world in terms of economic growth, magnitude of urbanization, population size and ethnic diversity.
EAROPH’s initial direction was to stay abreast of all human settlements issues and problems that result from rapid development of a nation. Since the 13th EAROPH World Planning Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1992, the program of activities has been expanded to cover areas similar to those of the Agenda 21 as adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) at Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Thus, over and above the issues on Housing and Planning, EAROPH will concentrate on the promotion of a holistic approach to human settlements incorporating the following:
- Environmental and energy issues;
- Sustainable land-use, planning and management
- The enhancement of local and bio-regional identities and cultural values;
- The promotion of sustainable construction industry activities;
- The promotion of human resource development and other related issues.
With the launching of the Langkawi Strategic Plan in 1996, EAROPH has defined its role and goals. These are:
- To consolidate and promote expertise in Human Settlements in the EAROPH Region
- To provide a forum for continuous collaboration between governments, private sectors and people in addressing Human Settlements issues
- To promote personal professional development of its members
- To provide expert technical support for members
- To provide expert technical consultancy services on a commercial basis
- To facilitate the exchange of information, experiences, ideas and insights among members
- To foster links with organizations with similar interests in other regions