
4th BAE IAP Photography Competition 2020

The theme of the competition was in line with the IAPEX 2020 theme of Designing Narratives. The title of the photography competition was TELL US A STORY: An interaction between the built environment and nature. Story is an account of connected events reflecting an incident or notion. A narrative that revolves around sustainability; connection between the built environment and nature. Photographers can unfold the stories of a built space and its relation to the natural surroundings/terrain or the effects of development on nature. The story should display an aesthetic, philosophical, and conceptual approach to environmentally concerned image making. Portraying the built spaces as living organisms or organic architecture inspired by geometries present in nature.

In this competition, under the convenorship of Ar. Sakina Hassan, winner of the 1st BAE-IAP Photography Competition 2017, the young photographers were expected to push the boundaries of their imagination in capturing a narrative between the built environment and nature in part or full.

69 frames were received from 23 students from 7 universities across Pakistan.

The Jury comprising of Emaan Rana and Rooshna Fatima (Photographers), Nimr Pervev (Architect and Photographer), Arif Changez, President IAP and Khadija Jamal Shaban, Chairperson BAE-IAP awarded the prizes to the following:

1st Prize: Areeba Syed, NED University, Karachi

2nd Prize: Muhammad Tanveer Azhar, COMSATS, Lahore

3rd Prize: Moaid Baksh, UET, Lahore

Honourable Mention: Radhya Kareem, IVS, Karachi & Salman Rafi, UMT, Lahore

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